Aligned For You

Chapter 8

 Felix stopped in front of a window before he rejoined the advisors, trying to neaten up his appearance into something that wouldn't suggest he'd just been chasing down a delusional, violent prince. Everything was fine! Just a minor hiccup, that, really, wasn't that important. They could just catch Caius up on everything tomorrow! And, like, who wouldn't be tired after so much pomp and circumstance on top of the long journey?

Catching word that the advisors had moved to a more comfortable meeting room to suss things out, Felix quietly entered the room, catching attention nonetheless.

"Ah, Fe, there you are. I was just about to send after you two." There was no emphasis, no raised eyebrow, but Felix could still hear Aiichi's demand loud and clear.

Taking a seat, Felix offered the room a sheepish smile. "Apologies, but during the tour, Prince Caius found that the wine over here is markedly different from Luminous wine. We both agreed that it would be better for him to retire to his room and get rest rather than try to make plans with less than a clear head."

The Dicean cabinet shared a look, Hyde rolling his eyes a little. They had figured that the Luminous prince had just been nervous, but if he had thought the wine weaker than it was, that explained the frequent sips. Not ideal, but reasonable.

"We will have to catch him up later then," Aiichi mused. "It is unfortunate, but I'm happy to hear the two of you are working as a team already. No time too soon!"


It would be officially announced at the dinner that night, but they'd all settled on a date for the wedding--four days was enough time to prepare everything, and no one wanted to wait a minute longer. It would take place in the afternoon, then the treaty would be signed, then the rest of the day would be free for the reception. A celebration both for the union of the two princes and for the peace between the two nations.

It would take the four days primarily because of the spectacle it'd have to be. Representatives from each town in Dicea were already on their way, if not there already, having known that the Luminary procession would have arrived today and that the wedding wouldn't be far off. Both princes already had their wedding garb ready and would only need last-minute finishings if anything. However, settling on a location, discussing decorations and guest placement, the appropriate measures for any religious ceremony, what should be provided at the feast...

Not to mention that both sides would have one last look at the treaty draft, agreeing on the finer details before a final copy would be produced to be signed. That was the only thing that really deserved proper consideration, in Felix's opinion. That, and the ceasefire that Aiichi had already penned, and was ready to be sent out the second the treaty was signed.

"Summer weddings are always so lovely--you're lucky, Fe."

"It could be any time of year and I'd still think this to be lucky, Aiichi." It hadn't been that long and already Felix's cheeks were starting to hurt from the careful smiles he kept in place.

"Truly, King Aiichi, your son is a treasure," Head Secretary Ezar said, cleaning his mouth carefully after the spice-covered food from lunch. Unlike his less world-traveled companions, Ezar loved this sort of food and relished the opportunity to eat so much of it for the first time since the war had begun in, in the context of an 87-year-old man, not that long ago. "Impeccable manners, intelligent answers, and I hope I don't give myself away as an old lecher when I say quite comely. Truly there could be no better prize for our Prince Caius, and I will be certain he's made aware of that."

Putting down the napkin, Ezar sighed. "I apologize again for Prince Caius' absence. He's a noble lad, well-meaning, but still falls prey to some of the failings of his youth. I will be certain to have strong words with him about watching his drink for the rest of the festivities."

Felix looked down into his lap, seemingly embarrassed by the praise, digging his thumb into the palm of his other hand secretly, storing his anger away. He wasn't a thing to be won. Especially by someone who only ever won things through brute force.

"Kids will be kids," Aiichi offered kindly. "They are bound to make some mistakes, but it gives them wisdom for the future, no? Though our time together has been brief, Prince Caius has conducted himself admirably; it takes a special kind of person to be absolutely bursting with charisma the way he is--it's easy to see the leader in him."

"Still, it's not every day you meet the people that will be looking to you for guidance, let alone proposing to your fiancé. I know this one has been fretting about today for ages." Aiichi glanced over at his son, internally laughing at the split second of a sharp look given back. Fe was doing well, better than they'd expected, but it was still fun to tease the prince. Especially with how he'd run off to do who knew what in the days before. "Prince Caius can be forgiven for being a little nervous, it happens to the best of us."

"Now," the boss started as Ryouhei laid out a map of the capital city on the cleared table. "There are an abundance of wonderful locations in our city that could serve as a venue for the wedding. I would love for you all to see them for yourselves and enjoy your time here, but personally, I would recommend this park just to the northeast."

Leaning forward a little, he pointed to the area. "The weather is forecasted to be pleasant for the rest of the week, and it is spacious enough to accommodate any number of guests who attend, not to mention that it is decorated with sculptures and such from our talented friends."

"Of course, if there are any stipulations that come from your religion, we will be happy to do anything we can to fulfill them."

"Thank you for your consideration. We, in fact, have brought a priestess of Tua, praise him, to give ceremonial blessings at the union, and to commit the proper rituals and sacrifices. While this would be an event unto itself at home, we understand that most of Dicea, including the royal family, might be uncomfortable with a Tuan ritual..."

This assessment went hanging in the air for a moment as the Head Secretary watched for reactions, curious to see if there would be any strong feelings on the matter. Satisfied, he continued on.

" we are happy to do these ceremonies before the actual public event, in private. I hope your son won't shy away too much from participating in the binding ceremony; Tua is, after all, an important part of the Luminary Kingdom's history, seeing as the Momento family was only allowed to overthrow the previous tyrannical regime through his blessing and divine intervention four generations ago… Ah, but, I'm certain Your Grace has familiarized yourself with our history already. I don't mean to ramble on."

The Head Secretary took a sip of tea, enjoying the heat of it before saying, "King Aiichi, I'm sorry to bring this up again in such a pleasant and productive meeting. But, seeing as the wedding is coming up in four days, and this is a matter of some importance to the Momento family, specifically due to our religious beliefs...we have not heard any word yet on your final stance on Prince Felix's name change."

Sacrifices... Gross gross gross! From what he'd read of the religion, Tua didn't seem much like a benevolent god at all. What kind of protector would demand blood?!

Aiichi didn't seem much bothered by it, though, simply nodding his head slightly in thanks. "The faiths practiced just in the capital are many, so it is to my utmost appreciation that such rites are able to be performed in private. It's important to us to uphold the sanctity of Fe and Prince Caius's wedding to all parties, even when certain practices may impact a negative reaction among some of our people."

While Aiichi nodded along in understanding with the brief foray into Luminous history, there was a certain point that had Felix searching everyone's face for any type of cue. Binding ceremony? He hadn't read or been told anything about that. It...didn't have the most inviting name, and if there was a worry that he'd be uncomfortable with it? What the hell had Aiichi gotten him into!?

Already confused and kind of worried, Felix froze at the mention of... He'd have to change his name? And Aiichi knew that? And didn't tell him?! B-but...he couldn't! That wasn't--

Aiichi sighed lightly, almost regrettably. "Yes, and I apologize that it has taken this long to get an answer to you, Head Secretary Ezar. There has been...quite a lot of debate on the subject."

"As you likely know, the leaders of Dicea, ever since we were established as our own independent nation generations ago, cannot be traced by a bloodline. The responsibility has always been given to the person most fit for it--the current leader will often take on an unrelated protege from birth to teach, knowing who will become the person they need to be by a feeling in their gut. Some call it divine intuition, others fate, but it has been our way," he laughed. "Each of us takes up the name of 'Oswell', since the very beginning.”

"It's something of an outlier that Fe is my biological son, though not unheard of. He is one of the few that is a born Oswell."

"Because of that, we have had to consider more than just personal feelings on the matter. Our friends of Dicea have always looked to an Oswell for guidance." Aiichi's expression sobered into something more serious, meeting Ezar's gaze. "We do acknowledge, of course, the religious importance of taking on a partner's name for Luminary. Thus, we would ask if a compromise would work--each of our princes take up the other's surname as a middle name."

Ezar hummed to himself, closing his eyes as he took everything he knew about the situation, from Dicea's history to Luminary traditions, to King Noel's pride. He knew his king would consider it a sort of...victory in spirit, to have the Momento family name eventually overtake and supersede the Oswell family line. To have two royal Momento lines in two different kingdoms, further cementing the idea of Tua's favoritism towards the family. Though Tua had been a small religion when the Momento family had managed its takeover, there was something about the bloody overthrow of the current most powerful family that demanded a better reason than 'because'. And so, Tua's blessing and its influence had grown in the kingdom. These superstitions and traditions carried weight and allowed the average person the luxury of looking away from the dirty business of running a kingdom, calling such casualties God's Will.

All this to say that the Momento family was very invested in providing more and more evidence of their divine rights.

No, middle names weren't ideal...but...if Ezar loosened their negotiations to allow this, perhaps it would give them more room in the future to influence the naming of whichever infant heir this absurd family got their next 'hunch' on. Yes, yes...always future negotiations to think of...

Ezar nodded, opening his eyes after the few seconds it took him to consider all this, laughing. "That sounds like a wonderful compromise. A true union of the cultures, right down to the name! An inspired idea, King Aiichi. I am certain King Noel will be pleased to hear it."

Ezar looked down at the maps in front of them and, almost as an afterthought, said, "The park does seem the most ideal place, especially on your beautiful sunny days. Our weather is far too hot this time of year and an outdoor wedding would have been unbearable, but Dicean summers seem almost pristine. Now, for now, that's all that seems worthy to burden your time with, my king. Is there anything you would like to bring up, Your Grace? Now would be the ideal time to do so, as I imagine the dinner tonight shall be far too hectic to converse."

For once, the same thought went through both Oswells’ minds. 'What a pretty lie.'

Though, even in the face of such political talk, there was something like comfort that eased Felix's uncertainty. Even if it was just for their nation's pride...for once it felt like Aiichi was in his corner. That he'd have someone to rely on. The name was all he had--if Felix lost that to some dumb imaginary belief? Luckily, his father and the cabinet wouldn't let that happen.

"I am glad it is an acceptable option." It had been many, many meetings to decide on it. When they'd first found out about Luminary wedding traditions, Aiichi had wanted to throw it all out--all the unsettling stuff, anyway. Some comforting words from a priestess would be fine if a little boring. But, well, thinking there was someone above you who could take responsibility for everything you did was a powerful force. If he had to let them put an extra part into his son's name that he would never use, if a waste of an animal and a little blood was what it took to peacefully end the war? They could handle that.

Prince Caius was coming to live in Dicea, anyway. While he'd keep some of his closer kept traditions, he'd come to learn of Dicea's ways inevitably. Especially once the advisors under King Noel's thumb returned to their country--once the veneer of their odd, distant politeness was no longer needed, hah. Felix was far too strong-willed to let anyone overpower him.

...he just hoped his son would be able to make it through the ceremony.

"Wonderful!" the boss brightened again, a fond look entering his golden eyes. "You can definitely bet on it--it makes subtlety near impossible, but the excitement in the air during such parties is truly something to behold. I believe we have covered all we need to for today--please take some time to relax, you've all come such a long way."

Right after the boss, Hyde was the first to rise, bursting with a need to, probably, stop making nice with the Luminaries. "I will speak with the kitchen staff right away--I have already compiled a list of Luminary recipes that are appropriate for a wedding. They can start preparations after tonight's meal."

Felix followed the secretary not too long after, giving a smile and a nod to the room before scampering off towards the residential wing. He was exhausted, but...that could wait. There was a saboteur to find.