Aligned for You

Chapter Five

Maybe Lake had a point. Denji had been working in the castle since they'd walked in and demanded a job at 13, and every day since then Felix had been a nightmare to coax into looking like the prince he was. Well, coaxing had been when the heir was 10; as Felix had grown up and ever more stubborn, it'd been more like as close to threatening as the stylist could get without committing assault.

But today the extra hour they'd accounted for was unneeded. While he was far from enthused, Felix sat through his hair being pinned up and back and into the headband-like crown he wore without complaining. Was buttoned up into his full regalia, cape and all, without threatening to roll around outside and sully it with grass-stains. Kept still through his makeup without playing chicken to get Denji to stab him in the eye.

It was unnerving, to say the least. But, at the end of it all, the prince was ready ahead of schedule, and that's what mattered.

Seeing him like that, it became clear why so many townspeople wouldn't recognize their prince when he went to goof off in town. Every fly-away was smoothed down, making it look like he actually had an acceptable haircut, not to mention that his bangs were brushed back behind his crown--a simple silver diadem if not for the small gems of every color pressed into it.

Felix didn't wear as flamboyant makeup as Aiichi, but Denji might've been a mage straight from his storybooks for how they made his eyes a little sharper and brought out any modicum of maturity his face had. It exaggerated the cleverness in his eyes, the jaw normally lumped in with the overall round shape of his face.

As Felix always complained, the Dicean regalia was waaaaaay too many layers. An undershirt, a white dress shirt under a black vest, with an asymmetrical white jacket overtop. The pants were a little better, just white pleated pants that Denji had long learned to cuff a little higher than for any other outfit considering Felix still ran around like a maniac despite the layers, but they weren't enough to make up for the cape.

Just like their flag, the Dicean royals wore black and white, but, like their people, wore capes that glittered with every color. Well, Felix's was just a shoulder cape, the king's was a whole-ass train that was constructed as part of his jacket. Over-the-top jerk.

"Ah, a marvelous job as ever, Denji," the man himself smiled warmly. "I know it's a tad earlier than usual, but you can take the rest of the day off--please enjoy yourself, it's a joyous day."

With a smug smile and a wave, the stylist took off, and Felix looked around the meeting hall blankly. Head Secretary Hyde was glowering at Head Scribe Ryouhei, almost aggressively offering to get him some coffee, hoping for once the scribe would stay awake through an entire meeting. Tactician Mika had forgone zeir usual cloak, looking as amused as ever though there was a glint of sharpness in the strategist's eyes. Zers caught Felix's for a moment, and ze gave him a nod. Maybe in sympathy. Maybe in pride for him doing his part. It was hard to tell.

"Katsuki should be bringing the Uminans here now--almost time, people!" Everyone stood to attention at Aiichi's voice. Even in more casual situations, the boss's voice had that kind of quality.

Aiichi had the sort of demeanor that made people feel welcomed and at ease. He was friendly without being overwhelming, and anyone who came into the castle remarked how easy it was to speak with their leader. He cared deeply about his people, believed firmly that social prosperity was the root of everything. If you took care of the most vulnerable members of society, then all other problems would dwindle away. He even would talk personally with major criminals who were brought to the castle, and they were soon seen contributing their efforts towards the community.

There was something sharp in those golden eyes, though no one could really put a finger on what. Whatever it was, there were very, very few who would ever consider taking advantage of the leader’s kindness.

Kneeling down in front of his son, Aiichi placed his hands gently on small shoulders, giving him a grateful smile. "Thank you, Fe. What you are doing for this kingdom, for our people, will never be forgotten. But, please, give Prince Julian a chance before you run him through the wringer. If not until the wedding, then at least for this meeting. Keep our people who have sacrificed so much in your mind."

Felix felt the fire of anger in his heart, but it was like a match instead of the usual bonfire. Big words to say when you weren't the one with their future ending in a matter of minutes. He simply averted his eyes and shrugged, even as Lake rushed into the room.

"They're here!"

It was a spectacle, before everything else. Musicians and dancers and performers, all either hired and vetted on the way or having come this entire way from the Uminan Kingdom itself, to create a procession for which the Uminan Party would present itself. As music lit up the main hall, half-dressed men and women alike provocatively moving to their festive, bouncing rhythm, danced into the hall joyfully; however, a small boy, maybe 9, led them from the front, a curiously serious expression and a scar across the whole of his face, marching as he beat out a steady, familiar drumming beat for the procession to time itself to.

Behind the march of musicians and dancers and jugglers, strong men started pushing in carts with chests on them, the chests splendid to look upon, ornately designed and gold in color. Each chest had something valuable piled almost haphazardly inside, one chest full of sparkling gems of value, another full of spices from far-off lands, another full of intricately designed and rare fabrics, and so on and so forth. As the chests were pushed aside to line with the performers, a line of well-dressed but less flashy people started to fall in, row by row.

First hurried in the servants and the guards, quick to find their spots among the display, bowing deeply to the king who watched. As the servants remained bowed deeply in respect, the guards stood straight and tall, the boy’s familiar marching drum suddenly easy to recognize in their presence. It was the sound of a battle drum, meant to send orders to battalions in the thick of battle, where the soldiers couldn't hear their generals’ mere voices. The boy, stone-faced, kept up his ominous drumming among the display of gifts. A reminder. A warning.

Then marched in the officials. The general, the adviser, the secretaries sent to speak on behalf of the king. They all came down in practiced rows, each bowing respectfully to the king before moving aside, until finally, it was just Head Secretary Ezar, who bowed, slightly, before putting up his hand.

At that, the music stopped. The performers rested on their knees. Among the servants, Alice and Alan stayed deeply bowed. Lastly, the war drum stopped.

...and after a moment, the head secretary looked back. This was the prince's cue. The speech. He was meant to be the first to address the king. He was dressed impeccably. He wore a heavy golden cloak, and on the inside, an intricate pattern of the universe made it look as if Julian was the center of the cosmos himself, his golden and silver armor a sun in that center of the universe. On his head, the edges of his hair that naturally went up curled around a simple, thin, but heavy crown. A battle sword, twice the size of his arm, the sheath beautiful but the hilt just the correct amount of worn, cracked from use, rested easily on his hips. It was time. Time for his speech.

But Julian didn't speak. He just stood in the hallway, having stopped moving halfway down the hall.

Looking at the prince.

Not that he hadn't ever seen anything like it--apart from the whole...dowry thing--but the whole display was...extravagant. He understood why the fanfare was needed--the whole show of strength and power and wealth and all that. Maybe he would've even enjoyed it, if not for what it all meant. That, after the whole show, was...his husband-to-be. Some dumb strong-arm that would try to push him out of affairs.

But Felix just clenched his jaw and left a painted smile on his face. His own feelings didn't matter here. Everything, everything here would affect the future of his country. Of those on the front lines, fighting a useless war that would finally be coming to an end. To those who stayed home, missing loved ones, hoping that they would see them again. He could fake a smile for that.

Until he saw exactly who it was all the excitement was building up to. Felix's smile dropped instantly, jaw dropped as his eyes widened, undoing all of Denji's work. It felt like he'd been dropped in a frozen lake, and he took a small, shuffled step back before there was a firm hand on his shoulder, squeezing enough to hurt, especially since that was the shoulder that...

...he wasn't a warning from his father.

In a moment, so many questions found their answers, so many pieces were fitted together. But the biggest thing Felix got from it was...that he was fucking pissed.

All his fears and apprehensions about Prince Julian were confirmed from experience, and even worse since the prince had done all those things to someone he thought was just some kid. If that's how he'd treat their people...

It was difficult to keep the seething glare off his face. But now, more than ever, the Dicean people needed him. He would not let this self-entitled monster trample all over this country. So Felix placated himself by clenching his fists, schooling his face into something neutral. Trying to smile right now would only look like a threat.

So? Get it over with, fucker. The sooner this show was over, the sooner they didn't have to look at each others' faces.

There was a long, uncomfortable pause as Julian stood there, too shocked to move. He had this weirdly uncomfortable feeling, like all of this was somehow...a prank? Because what else could it be? Why...why was Phe...all dressed up and, and, even here? And where was...


Of course, he understood what was happening. He understood his...mistake? Had he made a mistake? Where had the mistake been? He had met a peasant in the market. A peasant who had...walked right up to him...demanding stories and attention and...

...Had Phe...had Fe...Felix? Planned the whole thing out?

Nothing else made sense. How else could you explain it? But - but why? Why go through all that trouble? Just to upset Julian? To get him to run? To create an international incident??

No, no, that wasn't being fair. Maybe...maybe it was more innocent than that. Maybe Phe - Felix had just wanted an opportunity to meet him. That made sense. But how had he managed to set it up!? Julian hadn't been instructed to go to the market, he had snuck away, so how-

"Your Highness," Head Secretary Ezar said quietly, his voice the pinnacle of calm, but fury in his eyes, as he gestured slightly to Julian. "Come."

Julian had pushed wagons through mud and wadded through the bottom of swamps before, and this...this movement felt harder and slower than both incidents. But Julian pushed himself forward, two very different versions of reality fighting for dominance in his head. One version of reality was that Prince Felix, somehow, had found him in the market, and wanted to get to know him. Understandable. Julian himself would have been tempted to try such an idea had there been a way to do it. It was, in its own way, noble even.

The second version of reality was that Felix had just spent the last two days continuously, viciously mocking him. Putting on a show to get his new, unwanted husband to embarrass himself, over and over. The more that version of reality shaped itself into Julian's head, the worse every moment of the last two days seemed in retrospect. God, Phe, no, no, Felix was laughing at him this whole time! Probably thinking he was oh so god damned clever, getting the unwanted son to make a total ass of himself, the little-

Jules closed his eyes and took a breath. This wasn't helping anything. Julian didn't know which version of reality was correct. He didn't know, and this was important. This presentation, this marriage, this treaty. It all mattered.

Julian...Julian had to believe. He had to believe, at least right now, that the rosier version of what could have happened, did in fact happen. He had to believe that, or he wouldn't be able to get through this.

As he got to the head secretary, he whispered to the old man. "I...I thought the man I was meant to marry was in his twentieth year?"

Head Secretary Ezar looked like he wanted to slap him, and it was only the thousand eyes watching that stopped him. "He is, my prince," Ezar said, "And he is waiting for you to speak." Then, even quieter, Ezar leaned in. "You are letting us down."

And that just couldn't be allowed. Not him. Letting people down was against his core being. It wasn't who he was. He was-

"Your Grace!" Julian said, flourishing his cape, looking directly at the king now, one hand on his heart and the other on the hilt of his sword. "I am Julian Momento, second son of the Uminan Kingdom, the Legendary Prince of the Stars! I thank you, and the Uminan Kingdom thanks you for seeing me and my party, on this beautiful day in your magnificent home! My family sends their endless regrets that they could not join me on my journey here to meet you, but each one begs me to relay a promise to you on their behalf."

Behind Julian, on cue, the performers leaned onto the chests, drawing the eye to the wealth that lay inside. "My elder brother, Byron, offers you riches. He is first son to the Uminan Kingdom, and is a shrewd man of business, and has doubled my family's fortune even in these trying times. He wishes me to promise that a union born today would bring fortunes to you as well."

The performers, leaning behind the chests, took out what was hidden: beautiful paintings carefully prepared, presented meals still warm, and clothes that the dancers put onto themselves, giggling and fawning over them in a way that made these things even more beautiful than they were. "My mother, Princess-Consort Sayaka, offers national treasures. The Uminan Kingdom has developed many beautiful new things and traditions in the last near two decades, and my mother would smile to see that our kingdoms trade and inspire each other through these exchanges of cultures. It would bring both of our people joy."

And then, finally, the drummer boy very carefully took off his drum, laying it down on the ground with the tenderness of someone holding a holy thing, and then bowed as low as he could. The guards, taking his cue, all bowed as well, up to and including the general. "My father, King Noel, would offer peace between our lands. Too much bloodshed has passed between two kingdoms that should lean on each other as neighbors, not enemies. King Noel would take great pride in there being no more bloodshed, for the rest of his reign, and for the next hundred years."


Julian got down on one knee. The guards straightened up. The servants looked up to witness. Alice held her breath and Alan, to comfort, held her hand.

"And I offer myself..." Julian, finally, finally, looked over at Felix, clearly addressing him for the court to see. "I offer to dedicate my life to the sacred duty of the keeping of your son, Prince Felix. I would protect him with my life, and let him know no lonely hour. I will..." Julian found his throat catch at this. It felt wrong to say it. Felt unkind...but still. "I will love him, and swear my honor upon it. Please, my king; give me your blessing to take Prince Felix as my husband. By the will of my kingdom, he will never want for anything, and together we will raise an heir that can upkeep the hundred-year peace my father so dearly desires. Please, my king. In exchange for all these gifts, I, Prince Julian Momento of the Uminan Kingdom, ask for Prince Felix Oswell of the Kingdom of Dicea’s, hand in marriage!"

King Aiichi looked upon every member of the procession kindly, internally appraising the offering and judging that the delegate he'd sent to Umina wouldn't be presenting an insult. The art and produce and wealth sent to King Noel was of equal measure--the trade was the most important part, after all. He did wonder, though, if the king would notice that some of the bounty had once been supposed to end up in that country anyway.

Probably not. Noel had never been one to fuss with the details.

"Our new friends," the boss started, opening his arms to all. "I am glad to see you all here, and wish that you've had nothing but luck and good cheer on your travels. All of Dicea welcomes you."

Begrudgingly accepts anyway. Felix chanced a glance at the Head Secretary, recognizing the cool, detached expression. It wasn't hostile, but Felix knew Hyde trusted any member of Uminan authority about as far as the lanky man could throw them.

"It is a promise that we will not take without the proper reverence, knowing that those who hold Umina in their hearts are as dedicated to the prosperity, the enrichment, and the peace of our nations as every Dicean. In shorter words than I have sent to King Noel, we have promised the same, to allow the flow of wealth and culture to freely enter your lands."

To give Umina what they wanted in the first place, but with Dicea drawing the rules. For Dicea to retain their independence but provide aid to their neighbor.

For a moment, the boss closed his eyes, taking a breath as his voice held weight. "This war has benefitted no one, and neither I nor King Noel have wanted our people to suffer under its weight. It is time for this long, bloody war to end, and for us each to instead offer a hand to help our neighbors and respect the sacrifices that have brought us here."

Felix grit his teeth, resolutely not letting his face twitch. A war that you two buffoons started, needlessly escalating what could've been fixed with words. Violence never solved anything. There would've been no sacrifices if they hadn't let their egos blind them.

"And, nothing could greater represent our dedication than the union between the next generation. Prince Julian, I would happily give my blessing unto you as the leader of Dicea." With that, Aiichi gave his audience a grin much more like himself than the formality he had been putting forth for the sake of their guests. "And, as a father, it certainly warms my heart to hear such promises. Nothing could make me happier than knowing Fe will have someone new in his corner."

Felix could practically hear the unsaid, "fuck knows he needs it."

Turning to Felix, Aiichi prompted the one thing Felix had to do for this whole production. One of the most important, and yet there were those of them wringing their hands, praying for the prince to not mess it up.

Luckily, Felix's love for his people was much larger than his fury for the man in front of him.

Looking back at Kai--Julian--with nothing but ice in his gaze, Felix bowed his head briefly. "Prince Julian Momento of the Uminan Kingdom, I, Felix Oswell, the Heir Apparent to the Dicean Kingdom, accept your proposal, and promise to dedicate myself to the fullest in our marriage in the promise of everlasting peace between our kingdoms."

And with a few overly fancy words, Felix said goodbye to his happiness.

And with that look, any belief Julian had that Felix had the best intentions in seeking him out for the last two days shattered.

Or, at the very least, in that moment it felt shattered. Even now though, seconds later, there was a part of Julian trying to rationalize the cold, vicious gaze away; maybe it was the pressure of the proposal. Maybe Felix was still just mad about the fight. They hadn't exactly parted on good terms.

Or maybe Felix had felt this way the whole time and was just as he said: a fucking liar.

More than anything else, Jules wanted to ask him. In the same way his imagination always ran away from him, Julian imagined going up to Felix now, pulling him away from all this, somewhere where it could just be the two of them, just Kai and Phe, and they could finally hash this out. Have the argument that, had the castle not loomed above Julian and frozen him with terrible responsibility, they would have worked out yesterday. Why had Felix hidden his identity from him? Why had he lied about his age? No, well, Felix hadn't said his age...had he? The two days were a furious blur now. He couldn't remember. Had Felix implied it, or had Julian assumed? Why hadn't Felix been honest with him?

They could talk it out. They could fight it out. Maybe it would come to blows. But maybe at the end-

A hand was suddenly on his shoulder, and Julian almost jumped out of his skin. Head Secretary Ezar was clasping it, his thin fingers digging in hard enough to cause Julian to wince. But his face was the picture of calm as the hallway hustled and bustled now, Diceans coming to collect and inventory the boons the Uminans had brought, the officials now all getting into circles, planning the next few days. The wedding was always meant to happen almost immediately, though Julian had yet to hear a hard date set. It could be within the next few days to a week from now, but it had to happen first before the treaty was signed. So it had to happen soon.

"My prince," Ezar said, "I'm certain that must have been exhausting for you. You did well." All the earlier fury was smoothed out now that the worst was over. "We've discussed acquiring a guest room until the day you can move into your proper quarters with Prince Felix. The king is sending one of the Dicean servants to show you where you will stay until the union occurs. Take your escorts and go get ready for a lunch. Important things will be discussed over the meal, and I believe it will be your first true opportunity to speak with your betrothed. We want to make a good impression, yes?"

'I hurled a sword above his head yesterday,' Julian thought numbly. 'And pushed him into the dirt. Then I called him a disappointment.'

Yes. First impressions.

"Thank you, Secretary Ezar," Julian said instead, his proud Prince of the Stars persona still on. "I will go freshen up now. If I know Alice and Alan, they already know exactly where my room is anyway and are heading there now. Do you know which servant is meant to aid me?"

The secretary nodded, pointing his old hand. "I believe that one was tasked."

As soon as he could, Felix whirled around with the aim of...hiding out like a coward in his room until he had to reemerge for lunch. But could you blame him?! He'd been pessimistic about the whole thing on a personal level before, but now? Now he just needed a moment to himself, out of the public eye, alright?

He wasn't stopped by the boss or any of his cabinet, his part done for now, and so once Felix made it out of the hall into less populated areas, he broke out into a sprint all the way to his room. And, not caring if he smudged his makeup any--he wouldn't, Denji learned that lesson long ago--Felix picked up a pillow and smushed it against his face. And screamed.

Easily dodging through the swarms of people, Lake made her way towards the foreign prince, brightening up when she saw the...Head Secretary, right, point her way. Pushing down the impulse to wave, she bowed the way they'd all been taught for the Uminans and grinned at the prince. "Hiya! Prince Julian, if you would come with me I'll show you to your room."

Usott castle was used to housing guests. Anyone who couldn't afford an inn was welcome to stay in the castle, and even when citizens couldn't stay in their homes for whatever reason they could stay freely in one of the many rooms the castle had available. However, though it was just a temporary room until the princes were married, the staff of the castle had done their best to make Prince Julian's room a little homier than the standard. Wendy had nearly pulled the entire staff into a debate over what kind of sheets the Uminan Prince would prefer.

Once they were a bit away from the procession, well, it was just polite to start a conversation, right? Even with how rigid and uptight the Uminans seemed. Turning a little toward Julian, Lake gestured lightly to his get-up. "Your cape is awesome, by the way. Very heroic." She nodded in approval.

Having been entirely lost in his own head by this point, still reeling over the events of the day, Julian was, for a moment, surprised the servant would be so quick to speak out of turn to him. He didn’t mind, preferred it really, but most of the time the working staff usually reserved themselves until Julian had made it plainly obvious that he wished to get to know them or be more familiar, and then they would start letting their guard down. Which made sense, since any other member of his family being addressed in such a way would have ultimately ended badly--Father would frown and show general displeasure, which would have resulted in the servants being harsher on each other, his mother would have smiled and then had a private conversation with her supervisor later, and his brother, well, he would have probably shouted at her then and there.

But, then, those were just the servants back home. Maybe it was…different here?

Actually, this was a good time to figure that out, right? He had to learn how things worked here if he was going to live here, and the servant girl seemed nice enough if her bright smile suggested anything. Matching her smile and energy in kind, he almost instinctively flourished his cape again, blushing at the compliment. “Thank you! I’m not actually terribly fashion-forward, I’m afraid, but capes are a weakness to me. Did you notice it looks like the stars? They’re accurate too! I still can’t believe the level of detail stitched and dyed into the fabric. Easily one of the best gifts I’ve ever received. It’s just…fun, right?!”

Julian looked her over before saying, with a wink, “I like your hair. It shapes your face. Very cute.” Julian complimented her back because that was what you did when someone pointed out something nice about you. Then, he followed this up with a nervous laugh as he said, “So…as you may have heard, I’m new here…may be staying awhile…any advice for how to get along here?”

"Whoa, seriously!? That's incredible! It must've taken ages to make sure everything was aligned and in proportion and all that stuff." Lake laughed lightly, shaking her head before striking something of a pose, one gloved fist clenched in front of her. "Capes are never a weakness! They make a statement, are striking for all to look upon you and know that their savior is here!!"

Relaxing, she chuckled sheepishly, tousling her hair. "It's a good impression, right? Couldn't wear mine today, obviously. Gotta let the boss and little boss have the spotlight. Even if Prince Fe hates his."

Under her breath, Lake's face fell into something a little frustrated. "Aw need a nickname too...hmm..." She was soon brought back to attention by Julian's compliment and inquiries, though.

"Ha ha! Thanks!" she boomed, "And don't you worry; the Hero of Justice has got you covered!"

Hearing her voice echo, Lake messed with her hair again with a quieter, sheepish laugh. "Lake's the name, by the way. But, yeah, all of us are here to help you out, Prince Julian. You're our prince now, too."

"Honestly, we're all way more casual than what we've heard from your neck of the woods--so, super sorry if we cause any offense! We've all been briefed to try and act more like what you all must be used to, but, you know, cultural differences and all that." That...was pretty apparent already from how the guard had been acting thus far. "Aiichi hates being called "king", though I think he's okay with it from you guys? Hard to tell what the boss is thinking."

"Oh, and it might be more limited at first since we'll be planning your wedding and preparing the treaty and all that, but any and everyone is allowed to come to the castle--to talk with the boss, but also because one of the city libraries is in here, and people come to hold classes and workshops in spare rooms all the time. It's kind of...a community center." Which felt, just, so redundant to say but...well, she couldn’t really assume anything was the same in Umina.

Lake paused, seemingly considering something before deciding to speak up, her expression more serious than it'd been in the time they'd been talking. "Look, I probably shouldn't say this to you, considering the treaty hasn't been signed, but you seem like a good guy. Prince Fe's been super stressed out about this whole thing, so...give him a chance. He can be kind of prickly, especially right now, but he's a fun guy once he warms up to you. Felix really cares about all of us here, so he's gonna give this a real try, and he doesn't do that for just anyone."

With that, Lake stopped in front of a door, giving the prince a sympathetic smile and a thumbs up. "In any case, we know it's not home for you, but we hope you'll be comfortable here, your highness. Housekeeping is usually running all over the place, and even if you catch one of us in the guardforce off duty, we'll still be happy to help. Someone will be by to show you the way to the dining room when it's time for grub."

"See ya 'round, other prince!" Giving him a wave, Lake turned around to attend to her other duties. It was a buuuuuusy day for the guards today.

Julian just stared wide-eyed at her for half of her speech, his eyes practically sparkling as she slipped into what could only be called her own version of the 'Legendary Prince of the Stars!' voice. He had never met anyone else who did that too, and his total shock at hearing that same tone and melodrama coming from just some random servant girl was so wild that Jules couldn't think of anything to interject the whole time she talked. When she finally dropped him off at her room with her last bit of advice, he watched her turn and walk off, still absolutely speechless over what had just occurred.

...why couldn't she have been the royal child he was destined to marry? Why did it have to be the half-stacked brat!? He bet she could take a hit in a sparring match! God damned. Tua give him fucking strength.

Shit, did he even get her name? Damn it, Jules. No, wait, she had told him at the beginning of the speech! Lake. Funny name, but it seemed to suit her. Julian hoped she'd be attending to him often, she seemed like the kind of commoner that he could get a drink with.

Still, everything she had to say about Prince Felix...ugh. Julian didn't even know how to begin to unpack that. He was still so...hurt. By everything. He felt stupid and betrayed and gullible...ugh.

"Would you stop pouting outside and get in here already?" Alice said from behind the closed door. "You've been panting outside for two minutes already, mouth-breather."

"And also we heard you talking to the woman outside," Alan said, opening the door to let Julian in, who immediately walked in, grabbed Alan by the arm, and pulled him over to Alice for a group hug.

"We did it, you guys!" Julian said, his voice only wavering a little as he hugged them tight. "We got here in one piece and we did the thing! The war is basically over! We won!"

"Please tell me you're saying that playfully," Alice said, patting him on the back before gently pushing him away. "Getting here and asking for a pre-planned proposal was the easy part. Actually being here, in the enemy castle, while trying to set up a sustainable peace is going to be the hard part. Do not let your guard down, Julian."

"Yeah. I mean, everyone here seems nice..." Alan said uncertainly, "...but it would only take one or two dedicated people to ruin this for everyone. We need to remain diligent. Absolutely nothing can come between yourself and Prince Felix."

"Thankfully, if how he presented himself today is any indication, the prince is a calm, serious sort of person," Alice said, a touch of approval in her voice. "With the exception of something briefly surprising him during the procession, his mannerism was entirely controlled the whole time I had my eye on him. Very disciplined. Julian, when you make your first impression today, I would recommend holding back a little in your friendliness. He might not appreciate being too forward too soon."

"Yeah...about the whole...'first impressions' thing..." Julian said, keeping an arm around Alan's shoulder, just so he could use him as a human shield should it call for that. "Soooo, I have something to tell you guys!"


Felix almost wished he had messed up his makeup just so he could wash it all off, but it was still time for impressions. That, and he'd have Wendy trying to psychoanalyze him for weeks once she did the laundry. As it was, Felix just tucked a few stray hairs back into place and removed his cape and jacket. It was warm and they were eating, no need to keep them on.

And then, with a sigh that seemed too deep for his little frame, he headed to the dining room.

Some of the advisors were already there, talking amongst themselves lightly. Carefully. Mika was talking in zeir usual relaxed way to...Aya Kougaha, who, at least, didn't look completely bewildered. He wondered if the strategist was telling her about the Saint’s Staircase--it was one of the tamer mysteries ze was enamored with, and could easily shift into talking about local architecture. Hyde and Ragna Mo...Messerli seemed to be having...something of a conversation while Ryouhei nodded along, face pinched in a way that made him look irked but was really just him struggling to stay awake. It was probably a good thing that the meal would start soon, from how Hyde looked like he was about to explode with all the words he didn't let himself say.

Felix didn't greet anyone past a general nod, taking his place. Just small talk, surface-level conversation. He could do that; could get through the meal like that. He wouldn't be addressed about the finer points of the treaty anyway if someone decided to bring it up. His job was just to keep Prince Julian from running away before the wedding. And, like, maybe contribute to frivolous details about the wedding, but right now, he didn't give a damn about that. The politicians could deal with the politics of decorations.

Keeping his gaze out in the middle distance, Felix folded his hands in his lap and silently waited for everyone to arrive.