Fix-It Squad

A group of people that died in horrible tragedies. They travel through alternate realities of their pasts (none in which they exist anymore) to prevent the tragedy.

Uuvetal (Haunted hotel?)

  • Heavily tattooed, short, agender

  • Casual touching and affection

  • Knows facts about everyone’s worlds

  • A bit of a know-it-all, kinda sardonic

  • New Jersey/Australian “EY!” to inconveniences

  • World

    • Lordran/Undead Asylum

    • The “First Dead” is a resident of this world

    • In order to combat the entropy of all universes, FD placed a curse upon this world--which had spread to some residents of other ones

      • The curse is Undeath. Those who die either arise as ghosts (most people) or as Undead.

      • Undead are encouraged to adventure, and through their many subsequent deaths, the power of infinity is harnessed and stops the decay of universes

  • Death

    • Trying to discover the nature of their world as a magnet among worlds for the deceased, Uuvetal had tried to uncover the truth of death.

    • Uuvetal is perplexed that they are neither a ghost nor Undead. Eventually they conclude that they are a True Dead, and that their adventures with the others are trials to, essentially, godhood.


  • Follows her heart

  • Thinks she has to do things by herself--it’s not anyone else’s problem

  • Must free a great evil to prevent a worse fate

  • Her people speak in what sounds like a low-pitched inkling language above ground

  • World

    • Fantasy mermaid world

  • Death


  • Very very tall

  • A sweetheart

  • Wears a retainer

  • Has a pet pangolin

  • Doesn’t remember his death or the tragedy he’s supposed to prevent

  • Has a marking of 99M on his abdomen

    • Refers actually to W66 (as seen by him looking down), the roadway he was killed on

  • World

    • Contemporary Analogous

  • Death


  • Participated in a war

  • Doesn’t care about hurting feelings to do what’s right

  • Touched the memory fog in mermaid’s world

  • Was a scholar before the war (an invasion and genocide)

  • Her division was sent to a suicide mission to try and change the tide--though none of the soldiers knew it

  • “A golden heart has a rebel fist”

  • World

    • Magic-Fusion world

  • Death